Dacreed Pressroom
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Jillian Stewart

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Building a mentally healthy workplace
Mental health, just like physical health, is a resource that exists in each one of us. Not giving it the care and attention it deserves means a greater likelihood of injury, illness and suffering. Looking after it enables us to work, live and interact with others to our full potential. Mental wellb
Jillian Stewart
March 23, 2022
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Going deep: How to optimise your performance and maximise your value
As the world progresses and technologies change rapidly, remaining valuable means learning complicated things quickly and applying that knowledge to produce work that’s exceptional. How do you do this? You go deep. In his book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World*, Cal Newpor
Jillian Stewart
February 24, 2022
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Focused workplaces: Are you protecting your team’s attention?
You know that your most valuable asset is your team. You’ve read up about wellbeing and you’re proud of some of the initiatives you’ve introduced. But are your workplace practices protecting your employees’ most critical skill – their attention. Cal Newport, author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused S
Jillian Stewart
February 17, 2022
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Putting the pedal to the metal: Upping your output
We pride ourselves on being super productive. So if someone asks you whether you have 100 percent focus at work, you’d say yeah you’re killing it, right? Maybe. We all have good and not-so-good days. But if you’re routinely getting to the end of a big day only to find you’re disappointed with your o
Jillian Stewart
February 01, 2022
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Eliminating distractions: Being selective about your digital tools
Being without the internet would be like going back to the Dark Ages. But while many of the digital tools we use come with huge benefits, they also have negative impacts. Just because they’re out there doesn’t mean we have to let them into our lives. If you want to focus on what really moves the n
Jillian Stewart
January 11, 2022
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L&D comes with big benefits
Learning and development (L&D) has traditionally been associated with acquiring new skills to support a promotion, a pay rise or a change in career direction. But today’s workforce sees it as much more. Learning is becoming an essential component of company culture that leads to both personal and pr
Jillian Stewart
December 15, 2021
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WFH: how to make it work for you
So you’ve always wanted to work from home (WFH), to shake up your schedule and get a break from routine and the daily commute? And now here’s your chance – your boss has told you to go for it. If you are one of the increasing number of employees who are being given the opportunity to work from home
Jillian Stewart
December 08, 2021
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Boost performance reviews with peer feedback
Modern performance reviews are anchored in continuous feedback and, given the emphasis on collaboration in today’s business environment, it makes sense that a big slice of the feedback should be provided by peers. Evaluation of employees solely by direct managers is a thing of the past. Today’s em
Jillian Stewart
November 30, 2021
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Key changes make workflow seamless on TeamsPlus
We are releasing new features that will make exciting changes to your TeamsPlus experience. This is part of our commitment to continuously improving the technology underlying our platform to make your experience more intuitive and provide you with the information that is key to you and your teams.
Jillian Stewart
November 30, 2021
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New growth: The rise of next-gen performance reviews
Traditional annual performance reviews are semi-obsolete. Changing employee demographics demand a fresh approach that has little in common with the old system. Outdated top-down critiques involve a scheduled formal evaluation of the employee’s performance. Looking back on the past year with a focus
Jillian Stewart
November 30, 2021
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Using tech creatively for onboarding
Employee onboarding is a lot more than showing a new hire where to sit and leaving them to get on with it. Getting it wrong can mean losing new talent as well as costing you in financial and cultural terms. But what does onboarding actually mean in the changing work landscape and how does rapidly ev
Jillian Stewart
November 30, 2021
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Dacreed Pressroom Launch
We are excited to announce the launch of the Dacreed Pressroom. On this site you will find: - [News](/category/news/) - Latest news from recent events along with our product releases - [Blog](/category/blog/) - Thoughts and opinions on learning and compliance along with detailed deep dives into o
Jillian Stewart
November 29, 2021
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Graceful exits: Using tech for offboarding
Offboarding a departing employee isn’t as simple as waving goodbye and wishing them well. A streamlined and positive offboarding experience not only leaves employees with a lasting favourable impression but shows the rest of your team that the company cares about its people. Offboarding is process
Jillian Stewart
November 29, 2021
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Giving the four-day working week a go
There’s been a lot of buzz about four-day working weeks. The five-day working week may not be broken but there are good reasons for giving the four-day option a go. Here’s the skinny. New Zealand financial services company Perpetual Guardian made a worldwide splash when it decided to test productiv
Jillian Stewart
October 27, 2021